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When you think of your heating system, be it an oil or gas furnace, fireplace or wood stove, you probably appreciate how comfortable it makes your home on cold days. Undoubtedly the last thing on your mind is the various components that require maintenance to keep these appliances running smoothly, such as the chimney and chimney liner.
While you may not give thought to these things while they appear to be working great, the enjoyment of your warm cozy home can come to a halt very quickly with a chimney fire.
According to the US Fire Administration, there are an average of 374,000 house fires each year causing 12,975 injured and 2,600 fatalities. 16 % of those are caused by home heating appliances, most commonly the fireplace, chimney, chimney connector. Chimney liners need routine maintenance to avoid problems.
So what is a chimney liner?
According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), a chimney liner is “a clay, ceramic or metal conduit installed inside a chimney, intended to contain the combustion products, direct them to the outside atmosphere and protect the chimney walls from heat and corrosion.”
A chimney liner can also be known as a flue liner. The Chimney Safety Institute says they can be made of clay, tile or cement-like materials.
As you can see there are many reasons that can cause you to reline the chimney and they are not all because of needed repairs. There are still many chimney systems that are operating without liners. Though codes and standards are clear and all chimney systems should be lined, the older chimneys were grandfathered in. However, they need to be brought up to code and have a liner installed. If not, the creosote, smoke and debris are attaching itself to the chimney walls. This is a potential chimney fire just waiting for the right conditions..
Even if your homes chimney is unlined now, you can and should consider having one installed in the future. When considering a new flue liner installation, there are three main types available. These include clay tile liners, cast-in-place liners, and metal liners.
While all 3 options provide adequate protection for your chimney flue, there are different circumstances when each type may be the best solution. If you have questions, give us a call, and we can help you find the right solution for your needs!