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for over 25 years.
According to The National Fire Protection Association; “Chimneys shall be inspected at least once a year….”
Keeping Connecticut homes safe from chimney fires is the number one priority at Strictly Chimneys llc. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your home's chimney can help to avoid that danger. The chimney flue gets dirty from the accumulation of creosote.
Your furnace, water-heater and boiler expel gases that build up deposits on the inside of your chimney flue. These deposits need to be swept out along with any other debris that may have accumulated. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) say that all flues should be inspected annually and cleaned when needed to ensure that the flue is intact and venting properly.
In the event of a Flue Blockage which may be caused by creosote or other debris such as animal nesting, dangerous fumes can be forced into your home.
How often your chimney will need to be cleaned depends on several factors, some guidelines to consider are:
• How often you use it.
• The type of wood/fuel that is burned.
• The moisture content of the fuel.
While those guidelines may help, the Chimney Safety Institue of America (CSIA) recommends that a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep inspects your solid fuel venting system annually, and cleans and repairs it whenever needed to keep to your chimney in top condition.
For more information about chimney cleaning be sure to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.